Saturday, January 5, 2008

Aspirations and Inspirations...

Well, the new year is in.. and first week has nearly come to a close.. And once again I find myself, scribbling down some new year resolutions, things I want to do, things I want to learn, and things I want to get better at [you might think writing these entries is one of them.. :-)].

This makes me think.. what are my aspirations for this year. For some reason I like the word aspirations, better than resolutions. A part of me suggests thats because of the motivational dimension associated to an aspiration as compared to displinary effect assumed by the word resolution, and another part of me offers a different view - you break resolutions, but you strive for aspirations. I think both the arguments convey my perspective.. Moving on, Inspirations are the other thoughts that I closely relate and associate to aspirations. They are like fuel to fire.. aspirations come true when you have the inspiring inspirations.

So, I am thinking what are my Inspirations and Aspirations for this year?? Are they simple and pragmatic? Or are they bold and adventurous? Am I willing to spread my wings or Am I happy in my nest? This only gets more and more complicated. Using the concepts of associative maps (something I remember from a boring class on Artificial Intelligence), I quickly jump on to think - what makes my face glow? What makes me truly happy? Are they right reasons? What is right? .... Too many questions, too few answers.

I remember my Dad saying, the first step is to ask the questions.. by that logic.. hopefully thats the right start to the new year !! With some thoughts and some resolutions, and lots of aspirations and new found inspirations, I welcome this New Year and hope that it brings joy, happiness and prosperity to us all...

p.s. Oh ya, my final take on this..
"Simple and inescapable in the new year..
yet hardest to discipline and perisist through...."

Friday, January 4, 2008



Well, here I am again.. writing a few thoughts and emotions that have crossed my mind and heart. Must at the outset thank a friend, who has inspired me to write again.. continue a simple life story which would otherwise be lost in the big nothings of living this life..

Its funny.. how I used to scribble my thoughts every now and then earlier, when there wasnt much to talk about, just some random thoughts that the mind had wandered to. And since I stopped writing, as if my life has just picked up some pace.. finished my dissertation, met love of my life, started a new job, celebrated christmas after 7 years with reunited family and have now already entered a brand new 2008. But admist all of this, I have just not expressed through this medium all that has been experienced, all that I felt and maybe didnt feel.. Anyways, we are back on track now.. hopefully it ll make up for it this time around..